On this blog, we have often talked about the healing and pain relieving properties of mustard oil. We have pointed out that mustard oil has powerful antimicrobial, antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties constitute the reason for which mustard oil has been used since ancient times for treating arthritic pain, tired muscles and sore joints.

Usually, the common practice – especially in the science of Ayurveda – is to apply mustard oil or mustard oil formulations as a balm or an ointment. It is also applied sometimes as a poultice.
Here’s another relaxing and invigorating way to let the power of mustard oil relieve body aches, relax your muscles, boost your metabolism and stimulate your blood circulation – take a Mustard Bath.
Take a quarter cup of mustard powder, a cup of baking soda, and a tablespoon of cold pressed mustard oil. To enhance your bathing experience, add five drops of the following essential oils: rosemary, eucalyptus and menthol.
Now fill your bathtub with warm water and add four to five tablespoons of this mixture. Soak your entire body in this soothing bath. It’s a great way to open up the pores of the skin, flush out toxins, relieve stress, get rid of headaches, and cure insomnia.
So when you get home after a hard day’s work or after a tiring workout at the gym, don’t just have a quick shower. Luxuriate in a Mustard Bath instead. What a feeling!