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Face-to-Face with Mustard Oil

There is a rather dangerous beauty trend these days – the use of creams to remove marks and to whiten the skin. Doctors have raised several red flags, pointing out that such creams contains dangerous substances like steroids, hydroquinone and mercury; these can cause skin diseases and even cancer.

However, there is a host of traditional natural treatments that can be highly effective if these are applied regularly.

Marks and small scars on the skin can be removed using cold-pressed Mustard Oil. A few drops rubbed on the mark or scar three to four times a day will lead to a reduction and – in the long run – removal of the mark/scar.

Here’s another simple beauty treatment. You can keep your face bright and glowing with a natural Mustard Oil Face Mask that you can make at home. Simply mix Mustard Oil, flour and curd together; add five drops of lemon juice. Mix thoroughly to form an even paste. Apply this regularly on your face as a natural Face Mask. It will keep your face glowing and will remove any spots or marks.

Who needs chemicals when you have the power of natural cold-pressed Mustard Oil on your side?

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