Even though cold-pressed Mustard Oil has been around for thousands of years, it has always been a humble, low-profile presence in the firmament of cooking oils. Other oils, notably olive oil, have far more glamour and glory because they are perceived as “evolved” cooking media… aligned with the lifestyles of affluent people. In complete contrast, Mustard Oil has largely been seen as commonplace, very middle-class and completely lacking in premium value.
This humble image of Mustard Oil began undergoing a radical transformation during the past decade or so. Medical science began rediscovering the amazing health benefits that this oil has to offer – benefits like protection from heart disease, hypertension, stroke… and even cancer! And now, extensive research has shown that in terms of nutritional properties and health attributes, cold-pressed Mustard Oil is superior to extra virgin olive oil.
A study titled “Cooking Oils for Heart Health” published in the Journal of Preventive Cardiology indicates that the favourable ratio of Linoleic Acid (LA) to Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA), the very low levels of Saturated Fatty Acids (SFA) and the high levels of Monounsaturated Fatty Acids (MUFA) make Mustard Oil nutritionally superior to olive oil. Especially where SFA is concerned Mustard Oil wins hands down with just 3 per cent SFA; in comparison, olive oil contains 16 per cent SFA. (Source: WHO)
Another study published in The Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research indicates that cold-pressed Mustard Oil is rich in invaluable Omega-3 Fatty Acids; moreover, it also has an ideal ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 Fatty Acids – a ratio of 1. In comparison, olive oil is way off the mark with a ratio of 10.
It is clear that in spite of being humble and relatively unglamorous, in a faceoff with olive oil, cold-pressed Mustard Oil is the undisputed winner.