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Mustard Oil: Your Ancient Secret for Modern Skincare During the Pandemic

Updated: Jul 26, 2024

Mustard oil
our Ancient Secret for Modern Skincare During the Pandemic

The Coronavirus pandemic has made trips to the salon a risky proposition, and while some apps are offering home visits by beauticians, many people are wary of the uncertainties involved in letting outsiders into the safety bubble that they have created in their homes. As a result of this situation, a lot of people are going back to a do-it-yourself approach to skincare and hair care.

While gathering together your arsenal of creams, toners, moisturizers, etc., do remember that one of the most ancient natural skincare products is right there in your home – on your kitchen shelf. We are talking about cold-pressed Mustard Oil. For thousands of years, Mustard Oil has been an integral part of skincare in India. It revitalizes; it tones; it moisturises naturally; it prevents dry, flaky skin; it improves blood circulation; and it cleanses the pores of the skin.

Yes, we know that many people – especially the younger generation of consumers – do not like the smell of Mustard Oil and that’s why they don’t want to use it for skincare. There’s a simple solution: just add a few drops of any essential oil of your choice and it will mask the smell.

Mustard Oil is known to be a hot oil and this heating action opens the pores of the skin and enables the body to flush toxins out through the sweat glands more effectively. It also de-tans the skin, lightening it, reducing dark spots and clearing up any pigmentation and other marks that you may have on your skin.

Going beyond mere beautification, Mustard Oil also has the power to protect your skin. It is rich in Vitamin E and this makes it a highly effective natural sunscreen. Apply a thin layer of Mustard Oil on the face, neck, arms, hands and other parts that are exposed. This will protect your skin from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun.

Mustard Oil also protects your skin from being attacked by free radicals that are widely prevalent in atmospheric pollution. This oil is rich in natural antioxidants that prevent cellular damage to your skin. In fact, there are studies which indicate that cold-pressed Mustard Oil can even regenerate damaged skin cells. Amazing!

So alongside your collection of creams, gels, lotions and ointments, keep a small jar of cold-pressed Mustard Oil. It works wonders for your skin.

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